The XC822 product family features devices with different configurations, program memory sizes, packages options and temperature profiles, to offer cost-effective solutions for different application requirements. The list of XC822 device configurations are summarized. The type of packages available are TSSOP-16 for XC822 and DSO-20 for XC824.
- High-performance XC800 Core
- compatible with standard 8051 processor
- two clocks per machine cycle architecture (for memory access without wait state)
- two data pointers
- On-chip memory
- 8 Kbytes of Boot ROM, Library ROM and User routines
- 256 bytes of RAM
- 256 bytes of XRAM
- 2/4 Kbytes of Flash (includes memory protection strategy)
- I/O port supply at 2.5 V – 5.5 V and core logic supply at 2.5 V (generated by embedded voltage regulator)
- Power-on reset generation
- Brownout detection for IO supply and core logic supply
- 48 MHz on-chip OSC for clock generation
- Loss-of-Clock detection
- Power saving modes
- idle mode
- power-down mode with wake-up capability via real-time clock interrupt
- clock gating control to each peripheral
- Programmable 16-bit Watchdog Timer (WDT) running on independent oscillator with programmable window feature for refresh operation and warning prior to overflow
- Three ports
- Up to 17 pins as digital I/O
- 4 pin as digital/analog input
- 4-channel, 10-bit ADC
- support up to 3 differential input channel
- results filtering by data reduction or digital low-pass filter, for up to 13-bit results
- Up to 4 channels, Out of range comparator
- Three 16-bit timers
- Timer 0 and Timer 1 (T0 and T1)
- Timer 2 (T2)
- Periodic wake-up timer
- Multiplication/Division Unit for arithmetic operations (MDU)
- Capture and Compare unit for PWM signal generation (CCU6)
- A full-duplex or half-duplex serial interface (UART)
- Synchronous serial channel (SSC)
- Inter-IC (IIC) serial interface
- LED and Touch-sense Controller (LEDTSCU)
- On-chip debug support via single pin DAP interface (SPD)