The XC87x is based on a high-performance 8-bit Central Processing Unit (CPU) that is compatible with the standard 8051 processor. While the standard 8051 processor is designed around a 12-clock machine cycle, the XC87x CPU uses a 2-clock machine cycle. This allows fast access to ROM or RAM memories without wait state. The instruction set consists of 45% one-byte, 41% two-byte and 14% three-byte instructions. he XC87x CPU provides a range of debugging features, including basic stop/start, single-step execution, breakpoint support and read/write access to the data memory, program memory and Special Function Registers (SFRs).
- High-performance XC800 Core
- On-chip memory
- I/O port supply at 3.3 V or 5.0 V and core logic supply at 2.5 V (generated by embedded voltage regulator)
- Power-on reset generation
- Brownout detection for core logic supply
- On-chip OSC and PLL for clock generation
- Power saving modes
- Programmable 16-bit Watchdog Timer (WDT)
- Five ports
- 8-channel, 10-bit ADC
- Four 16-bit timers
- Multiplication/Division Unit for arithmetic operations (MDU)
- CORDIC Coprocessor for computation of trigonometric, hyperbolic and linear functions
- MultiCAN with 2 nodes, 32 message objects
- Two Capture/compare units
- Two full-duplex serial interfaces (UART and UART1)
- Synchronous serial channel (SSC)
- On-chip debug support