The STM8AF62 automotive 8-bit microcontrollers offer from 32 Kbyte to 128 Kbyte of non volatile memory and integrated true data EEPROM. All devices of the STM8A product line provide the following benefits: reduced system cost, performance and robustness, short development cycles, and product longevity. The system cost is reduced thanks to an integrated true data EEPROM for up to 300 k write/erase cycles and a high system integration level with internal clock oscillators, wtachdog, and brown-out reset. Device performance is ensured by 20 MIPS at 24 MHz CPU clock frequency and enhanced characteristics which include robust I/O, independent watchdogs (with a separate clock source), and a clock security system.
AEC-Q10x qualified Core Max fCPU: 24 MHz Advanced STM8A core with Harvard architecture and 3-stage pipeline Average 1.6 cycles/instruction resulting in 10 MIPS at 16 MHz fCPU for industry standard benchmark Memories Program memory: 32 to 128 Kbyte Flash program; data retention 20 years at 55 °C Data memory: up to 2 Kbyte true data EEPROM; endurance 300 kcycle RAM: 6 Kbyte Clock management Low-power crystal resonator oscillator with external clock input Internal, user-trimmable 16 MHz RC and low-power 128 kHz RC oscillators Clock security system with clock monitor Reset and supply management Wait/auto-wakeup/Halt low-power modes with user definable clock gating Low consumption power-on and powerdown reset Interrupt management Nested interrupt controller with 32 vectors Up to 37 external interrupts on 5 vectors Timers 2 general purpose 16-bit timers with up to 3 CAPCOM channels each (IC, OC, PWM) Advanced control timer: 16-bit, 4 CAPCOM channels, 3 complementary outputs, deadtime insertion and flexible synchronization 8-bit AR basic timer with 8-bit prescaler Auto-wakeup timer Window and independent watchdog timers I/Os Up to 68 user pins (11 high sink I/Os) Highly robust I/O design, immune against current injection Communication interfaces High speed 1 Mbit/s CAN 2.0B interface USART with clock output for synchronous operation – LIN master mode LINUART LIN 2.2 compliant, master/slave modes with automatic resynchronization SPI interface up to 10 Mbit/s or fMASTER/2 I2C interface up to 400 Kbit/s Analog to digital converter (ADC) 10-bit resolution, 2 LSB TUE, 1 LSB linearity and up to 16 multiplexed channels Operating temperature up to 150 °C Qualification conforms to AEC-Q100 grade 0