The PSoC programmable system-on-chip series of products consists of many devices. These devices are designed to replace multiple traditional MCU-based system components with one low cost single-chip programmable device. PSoC devices include configurable blocks of analog and digital logic, as well as programmable interconnects. This architecture enables the user to create customized peripheral configurations that match the requirements of each individual application. Additionally, a fast CPU, flash program memory, SRAM data memory, and configurable I/O are included in a range of convenient pinouts and packages.
- Automotive Electronics Council (AEC) Q100 qualified
- Powerful Harvard-architecture processor
- M8C processor speeds up to 24 MHz
- 8 × 8 multiply, 32-bit accumulate
- Low power at high speed
- Automotive A-grade: 3.0 V to 5.25 V operation at –40 °C to +85 °C temperature range
- Automotive E-grade: 4.75 V to 5.25 V operation at –40 °C to +125 °C temperature range
- Advanced peripherals (PSoC® blocks)
- Six analog Type ‘E’ PSoC blocks provide:
- Up to four comparators with digital-to-analog converters (DAC) references
- Up to 10-bit single or dual analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)
- Up to eight digital PSoC blocks provide:
- 8 to 32-bit timers, counters, and pulse width modulators (PWMs)
- One-shot, multi-shot mode in timers and PWMs
- PWM with deadband in one digital block
- Shift register, cyclical redundancy check (CRC), and pseudo random sequence (PRS) modules
- Full- or half-duplex UARTs
- SPI masters or slaves, 8- to 16-bit variable data length
- Connectable to all general-purpose I/O (GPIO) pins
- Complex peripherals by combining blocks
- Powerful synchronization support, analog module operations can be synchronized by digital blocks or external signals.
- High-speed 10-bit successive approximation register (SAR) ADC with sample and hold optimized for embedded control
- CY8C22345H devices Integrate Immersion® TouchSense® Haptics Technology for ERM drive control
- Precision, programmable clocking
- Internal oscillator up to 24 MHz
- High accuracy 24 MHz with optional 32-kHz crystal and phase locked loop (PLL)
- Optional external oscillator, up to 24 MHz
- Internal low speed, low-power oscillator for watchdog and sleep functionality
- Flexible on-chip memory
- Up to 16 KB flash program storage, 1000 erase/write cycles
- Up to 1 KB SRAM data storage
- In-System Serial Programming (ISSP)
- Partial flash updates
- Flexible protection modes
- EEPROM emulation in flash.