PIC18F67K22 combines the traditional advantages of all PIC18 microcontrollers – namely, high computational performance and a rich feature set – with an extremely competitive price point. These features make the PIC18F87K22 family a logical choice for many high-performance applications where price is a primary consideration. All of the devices in the PIC18F87K22 family incorporate a range of features that can significantly reduce power consumption during operation Alternate Run Modes: By clocking the controller from the Timer1 source or the Internal RC oscillator, power consumption during code execution can be reduced. Multiple Idle Modes: The controller can also run with its CPU core disabled but the peripherals still active. In these states, power consumption can be reduced even further. On-the-Fly Mode Switching: The power-managed modes are invoked by user code during operation, allowing the user to incorporate power-saving ideas into their application’s software design. nanoWatt XLP: An extra low-power Sleep, BOR, RTCC and Watchdog Timer All of the devices in the PIC18F87K22 family offer different oscillator options, allowing users a range of choices in developing application hardware. These include: External Resistor/Capacitor (RC); RA6 available External Resistor/Capacitor with Clock Out (RCIO) Three External Clock modes: – External Clock (EC); RA6 available – External Clock with Clock Out (ECIO) – External Crystal (XT, HS, LP) A Phase Lock Loop (PLL) frequency multiplier, available to the External Oscillator modes, which allows clock speeds of up to 64 MHz. PLL can also be used with the internal oscillator. An internal oscillator block that provides a 16 MHz clock (±2% accuracy) and an INTRC source (approximately 31 kHz, stable over temperature and VDD) – Operates as HF-INTOSC or MF-INTOSC when block selected for 16 MHz or 500 kHz – Frees the two oscillator pins for use as additional general purpose I/O The internal oscillator block provides a stable reference source that gives the family additional features for robust operation: Fail-Safe Clock Monitor: This option constantly monitors the main clock source against a reference signal provided by the internal oscillator. If a clock failure occurs, the controller is switched to the internal oscillator, allowing for continued low-speed operation or a safe application shutdown Two-Speed Start-up: This option allows the internal oscillator to serve as the clock source from Power-on Reset, or wake-up from Sleep mode, until the primary clock source is available. The PIC18F87K22 family provides ample room for application code, from 32 Kbytes to 128 Kbytes of code space. The Flash cells for program memory are rated to last up to 10,000 erase/write cycles. Data retention without refresh is conservatively estimated to be greater than 40 years The Flash program memory is readable and writable. During normal operation, the PIC18F87K22 family also provides plenty of room for dynamic application data with up to 3,862 bytes of data RAM. Should 128 Kbytes of memory be inadequate for an application, the 80-pin members of the PIC18F87K22 family have an External Memory Bus (EMB) enabling the controller’s internal Program Counter to address a memory space of up to 2 Mbytes. This is a level of data access that few 8-bit devices can claim and enables: Using combinations of on-chip and external memory of up to 2 Mbytes Using external Flash memory for reprogrammable application code or large data tables Using external RAM devices for storing large amounts of variable data
- Low Power Features:
- Power Managed modes:
- Run: CPU on, peripherals on
- Idle: CPU off, peripherals on
- Sleep: CPU off, peripherals off
- Two Speed Oscillator Start- up
- Fail Safe Clock Monitor
- Power Saving Peripheral Module Disable (PMD)
- Ultra Low Power Wake- up
- Fast Wake up, 1 µs Typical
- Low Power WDT, 300 nA Typical
- Ultra Low 50 nA Input Leakage
- Run mode Currents Down to 5.5 µA, Typical
- Idle mode Currents Down to 1.7 µA Typical
- Sleep mode Currents Down to Very Low 20 nA, Typical
- RTCC Current Downs to Very Low 700 nA, Typical Special Microcontroller Features:
- Operating Voltage Range: 1.8V to 5.5V
- On- Chip 3.3V Regulator
- Operating Speed up to 64 MHz
- Up to 128 Kbytes On Chip Flash Program Memory
- Data EEPROM of 1,024 Bytes
- 4K x 8 General Purpose Registers (SRAM)
- 10,000 Erase/Write Cycle Flash Program Memory, Minimum
- 1,000,000 Erase/write Cycle Data EEPROM Memory, Typical
- Flash Retention: 40 Years, Minimum
- Three Internal Oscillators: LF INTRC (31 kHz), MF INTOSC (500 kHz) and HF INTOSC (16 MHz)
- Self Programmable under Software Control
- Priority Levels for Interrupts
- 8 x 8 Single Cycle Hardware Multiplier
- Extended Watchdog Timer (WDT):
- Programmable period from 4 ms to 4,194s (about 70 minutes)
- In Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™) via Two Pins
- In Circuit Debug via Two Pins
- Programmable:
- LVD Peripheral Highlights:
- Up to Ten CCP/ECCP modules:
- Up to seven Capture/Compare/PWM (CCP) modules
- Three Enhanced Capture/Compare/PWM (ECCP) modules
- Up to Eleven 8/16 Bit Timer/Counter modules:
- Timer0 – 8/16 bit timer/counter with 8- bit programmable prescaler
- Timer1,3 – 16 bit timer/counter
- Timer2,4,6,8 – 8 bit timer/counter
- Timer5,7 – 16 bit timer/counter for 64k and 128k parts
- Timer10,12 – 8 bit timer/counter for 64k and 128k parts
- Three Analog Comparators
- Configurable Reference Clock Output
- Hardware Real Time Clock and Calendar (RTCC) module with Clock, Calendar and Alarm Functions
- Charge Time Measurement Unit (CTMU):
- Capacitance measurement for mTouch™ sensing solution
- Time measurement with 1 ns typical resolution
- Integrated temperature sensor
- High Current Sink/Source 25 mA/25 mA (PORTB and PORTC)
- Up to Four External Interrupts
- Two Master Synchronous Serial Port (MSSP) modules:
- 3/4 wire SPI (supports all four SPI modes)
- I2C™ Master and Slave modes
- Two Enhanced Addressable USART modules:
- LIN/J2602 support
- Auto Baud Detect (ABD)
- 12 Bit A/D Converter with up to 24 Channels:
- Auto acquisition and Sleep operation
- Differential input mode of operation
- Integrated Voltage Reference