The PIC18F86J93 family of devices offers the advantages of all PIC18 microcontrollers – high computational performance, a rich feature set and economical price – with the addition of a versatile, on-chip LCD driver. These features make the PIC18F87J93 family a logical choice for many high-performance applications where price is a primary consideration. 12-Bit A/D Converter: The PIC18F87J93 family implements a 12-bit A/D converter. A/D converters in both families incorporate programmable acquisition time. This allows for a channel to be selected and a conversion to be initiated, without waiting for a sampling period and thus, reducing code overhead. Data RAM: The PIC18F87J93 family devices have 3,923 bytes of RAM. Devices in the PIC18F87J93 family are available in 64-pin and 80-pin packages
- LCD Driver and Keypad Interface Features:
- Direct LCD Panel Drive Capability:
- Can drive LCD panel while in Sleep mode
- Up to 48 Segments and 192 Pixels, Software Selectable
- Programmable LCD Timing module:
- Multiple LCD timing sources available
- Up to four commons: static, 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4 multiplex
- Static, 1/2 or 1/3 bias configuration
- On-Chip LCD Boost Voltage Regulator for Contrast Control
- Charge Time Measurement Unit (CTMU) for Capacitive Touch Sensing
- ADC for Resistive Touch Sensing
- Low-Power Features:
- Power-Managed modes:
- Run: CPU On, Peripherals On
- Idle: CPU Off, Peripherals On
- Sleep: CPU Off, Peripherals Off
- Two-Speed Oscillator Start-up Flexible Oscillator Structure:
- Two Crystal modes, 4-25 MHz
- Two External Clock modes, up to 48 MHz
- 4x Phase Lock Loop (PLL)
- Internal Oscillator Block with PLL:
- Eight user-selectable frequencies from 31.25 kHz to 8 MHz
- Secondary Oscillator using Timer1 at 32 kHz
- Fail-Safe Clock Monitor (FSCM):
- Allows for safe shutdown if peripheral clock fails
- Peripheral Highlights:
- High-Current Sink/Source 25 mA/25 mA (PORTB and PORTC)
- Up to Four External Interrupts
- Four 8-Bit/16-Bit Timer/Counter modules
- Two Capture/Compare/PWM (CCP) modules
- Master Synchronous Serial Port (MSSP) module with Two Modes of Operation:
- 3-Wire/4-Wire SPI (supports all four SPI modes)
- I2C™ Master and Slave mode
- One Addressable USART module
- One Enhanced Addressable USART module:
- LIN/J2602 support
- Auto-wake-up on Start bit and Break character
- Auto-Baud Detect (ABD)
- 12-Bit, up to 12-Channel A/D Converter:
- Auto-acquisition
- Conversion available during Sleep
- Two Analog Comparators
- Programmable Reference Voltage for Comparators
- Hardware Real-Time Clock and Calendar (RTCC) with Clock, Calendar and Alarm Functions
- Charge Time Measurement Unit (CTMU):
- Capacitance measurement
- Time measurement with 1 ns typical resolution
- Special Microcontroller Features:
- 10,000 Erase/Write Cycle Flash Program Memory, Typical
- Flash Retention 20 Years, Minimum
- Self-Programmable under Software Control
- Flash Program Memory has Word Write Capability for Data EEPROM Emulators
- Priority Levels for Interrupts
- 8 x 8 Single-Cycle Hardware Multiplier
- Extended Watchdog Timer (WDT):
- Programmable period from 4 ms to 131s
- In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™) via Two Pins
- In-Circuit Debug via Two Pins
- Operating Voltage Range: 2.0V to 3.6V
- 5.5V Tolerant Input (digital pins only)
- Selectable Open-Drain Configuration for Serial Communication and CCP Pins for Driving Outputs up to 5V
- On-Chip 2.5V Regulator