PIC18LF46J50 is a new line of low-voltage Universal Serial Bus (USB) microcontrollers with the main traditional advantage of all PIC18 microcontrollers, namely, high computational performance and a rich feature set at an extremely competitive price point. These features make the PIC18F46J50 family a logical choice for many high-performance applications, where cost is a primary consideration. All of the devices in the PIC18F46J50 family incorporate a range of features that can significantly reduce power consumption during operation Alternate Run Modes: By clocking the controller from the Timer1 source or the internal RC oscillator, power consumption during code execution can be reduced by as much as 90% Multiple Idle Modes: The controller can also run with its CPU core disabled but the peripherals still active. In these states, power consumption can be reduced even further, to as little as 4% of normal operational requirements. On-the-Fly Mode Switching: The power-managed modes are invoked by user code during operation, allowing the users to incorporate power-saving ideas into their application’s software design. Devices in the PIC18F46J50 family incorporate a fully-featured USB communications module with a built-in transceiver that is compliant with the “USB Specification Revision 2.0”. The module supports both low-speed and full-speed communication for all supported data transfer types. All of the devices in the PIC18F46J50 family offer five different oscillator options, allowing users a range of choices in developing application hardware. These include Two Crystal modes, using crystals or ceramic resonators. Two External Clock modes, offering the option of a divide-by-4 clock output. An internal oscillator block, which provides an 8 MHz clock and an INTRC source (approximately 31 kHz, stable over temperature and VDD), as well as a range of six user-selectable clock frequencies, between 125 kHz to 4 MHz, for a total of eight clock frequencies. This option frees an oscillator pin for use as an additional general purpose I/O. A Phase Lock Loop (PLL) frequency multiplier, available to the high-speed crystal, and external and internal oscillators, providing a clock speed up to 48 MHz. Dual clock operation, allowing the USB module to run from a high-frequency oscillator while the rest of the microcontroller is clocked at a different frequency. The internal oscillator block provides a stable reference source that gives the PIC18F46J50 family additional features for robust operation: Fail-Safe Clock Monitor: This option constantly monitors the main clock source against a reference signal provided by the internal oscillator. If a clock failure occurs, the controller is switched to the internal oscillator, allowing for continued low-speed operation or a safe application shutdown. Two-Speed Start-up: This option allows the internal oscillator to serve as the clock source from Power-on Reset (POR), or wake-up from Sleep mode, until the primary clock source is available. The PIC18F46J50 family provides ample room for application code, from 16 Kbytes to 64 Kbytes of code space. The Flash cells for program memory are rated to last in excess of 10000 erase/write cycles. Data retention without refresh is conservatively estimated to be greater than 20 years. The Flash program memory is readable and writable during normal operation. The PIC18F46J50 family also provides plenty of room for dynamic application data with up to 3.8 Kbytes of data RAM.
- Power Management Features with nanoWatt XLP for Extreme Low- Power:
- Deep Sleep mode: CPU off, Peripherals off, Currents Down to 13 nA and 850 nA with RTCC:
- Able to wake up on external triggers, programmable WDT or RTCC alarm
- Ultra Low Power Wake up (ULPWU)
- Sleep mode: CPU off, Peripherals off, SRAM on, Fast Wake- up, Currents Down to 105 nA, Typical
- Idle: CPU off, Peripherals on, Currents Down to 2.3 A, Typical
- Run: CPU on, Peripherals on, Currents Down to 6.2 A, Typical
- Timer1 Oscillator w/RTCC: 1 A, 32 kHz, Typical
- Watchdog Timer: 0.8 µA, 2V, Typical
- Special Microcontroller Features:
- Low- Power, High Speed CMOS Flash Technology
- C Compiler Optimized Architecture for Re Entrant Code
- Priority Levels for Interrupts
- Self Programmable under Software Control
- 8 x 8 Single- Cycle Hardware Multiplier
- Extended Watchdog Timer (WDT):
- Programmable period from 4 ms to 131s
- Single Supply In Circuit Serial Programming(ICSP) via two pins
- In Circuit Debug (ICD) w/Three Breakpoints via 2 Pins
- Operating Voltage Range of 2.0V to 3.6V
- On Chip 2.5V Regulator
- Flash Program Memory of 10,000 Erase/Write
- Cycles Minimum and 20 Year Data Retention Universal Serial Bus (USB) Features
- USB V2.0 Compliant
- Full Speed (12 Mbps) and Low Speed (1.5 Mbps)
- Supports Control, Interrupt, Isochronous and Bulk Transfers
- Supports up to 32 Endpoints (16 bidirectional)
- On- Chip USB Transceiver with Crystal less operation Flexible Oscillator Structure:
- High- Precision Internal Oscillator (±0.15% typ.) for USB
- Two External Clock modes, up to 48 MHz (12 MIPS)
- Low- Power, 31 kHz Internal RC Oscillator
- Tunable Internal Oscillator (31 kHz to 8 MHz, or up to 48 MHz with PLL)
- Secondary Oscillator using Timer1 @ 32 kHz
- Fail Safe Clock Monitor:
- Allows for safe shutdown if any clock stops
- Two Speed Oscillator Start up
- Programmable Reference Clock Output Generator Peripheral Highlights:
- Peripheral Pin Select:
- Allows independent I/O mapping of many peripherals
- Continuous hardware integrity checking and safety interlocks prevent unintentional configuration changes
- Hardware Real Time Clock and Calendar (RTCC):
- Provides clock, calendar and alarm functions
- High Current Sink/Source 25 mA/25 mA (PORTB and PORTC)
- 5.5V Tolerant Inputs (digital only pins)
- Four Programmable External Interrupts
- Four Input Change Interrupts
- Two Enhanced Capture/Compare/PWM (ECCP) modules:
- One, two or four PWM outputs
- Selectable polarity
- Programmable dead time
- Auto shutdown and auto restart
- Pulse steering control
- Two Master Synchronous Serial Port (MSSP) modules Supporting Three Wire SPI (all four modes) and I2C Master and Slave modes
- Two Rail – Rail Analog Comparators with Input Multiplexing
- 10 Bit, up to 13 Channel Analog- to- Digital (A/D) Converter module:
- Auto acquisition capability
- Conversion available during Sleep
- Self calibration
- High/Low Voltage Detect module
- Charge Time Measurement Unit (CTMU):
- Supports capacitive touch sensing for touch screens and capacitive switches
- Provides a precise resolution time measurement for both flow measurement and simple temperature sensing
- Two Enhanced USART modules:
- Supports RS 485, RS 232 and LIN/J2602
- Auto Wake up on Start bit
- Auto Baud Detect