The PIC16C558 is 18, 20 and 28-Pin EPROM-based members of the versatile PIC16C558 family of low cost, high performance, CMOS, fully-static, 8-bit microcontrollers. All PICmicro microcontrollers employ an advanced RISC architecture. The PIC16C558 have enhanced core features, eight-level deep stack, and multiple internal and external interrupt sources. The separate instruction and data buses of the Harvard architecture allow a 14-bit wide instruction word with the separate 8- bit wide data. The two-stage instruction pipeline allows all instructions to execute in a single-cycle, except for program branches (which require two cycles). A total of 35 instructions (reduced instruction set) are available. Additionally, a large register set gives some of the architectural innovations used to achieve a very high performance.
- Only 35 instructions to learn
- All single-cycle instructions (200 ns), except for program branches which are two-cycle
- Operating speed: – DC – 20 MHz clock input – DC – 20 ns instruction cycle
- Interrupt capability
- 16-18 special function hardware registers
- 8-level deep hardware stack
- Direct, Indirect and Relative Addressing modes Peripheral Features:
- 13-22 I/O pins with individual direction control – Pull-up resistors on PORTB
- High current sink/source for direct LED drive
- Timer0: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit programmable prescaler