The PIC16F1885X microcontrollers feature Analog, Core Independent Peripherals and communication peripherals, combined with eXtreme Low Power (XLP) for a wide range of general purpose and low-power applications. The family will feature the CRC/SCAN, HLT and Windowed WDT to support customers looking to add safety to their application. Additionally, this family includes up to 56 KB of Flash memory, along with a 10-bit ADC with Computation (ADC2) for automated signal analysis to reduce the complexity of the application.
- Enhanced Mid-range Core with 49 Instruction, 16 Stack Levels
- Adjustable Internal Oscillator (1-32MHz)
- 2x 10-bit PWMs
- 5x Capture, Compare, PWM (CCP)
- Complementary Waveform Generator (CWG)
- Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO)
- 4x Configurable Logic Controller (CLC)
- 10-bit ADC with Computation (ADC2)
- 5-bit Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)
- Data Signal Modulator (DSM)
- Zero Cross Detect (ZCD)
- Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC/SCAN)
- Windowed Watchdog Timer (WWDT)
- Peripheral Pin Select (PPS)
- Enhanced Power-On/Off-Reset
- Low-Power Brown-Out Reset (LPBOR)
- Programmable Brown-Out Reset (BOR)
- In Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP)
- PIC16LF18856 (1.8V – 3.6V)
- PIC16F18856 (2.3V – 5.5V)
- Tape and Reel Packaging