The PIC16F1579 microcontrollers combine the capabilities of 16-bit P1NMs with Analog to suit a variety of applications. These devices deliver up to four 16-bit PWMs with independent timers for applications where high resolution is needed. such as LED lighting, stepper motors, power supplies and other general purpose applications. The core independent peripherals (16-bit PVVMs, Complementary Waveform Generator). Enhanced Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transceiver (EUSART) and Analog (ADCs. Comparator and DAC) enable closed-loop feedback and communication for use in multiple market segments. The Peripheral Pin Select (PPS) functionality allows for I/O pin remapping of the digital peripherals for increased flexibility. The EUSART peripheral enables the communication for applications such as LIN.
- C Compiler Optimized RISC Architecture
- Only 49 Instructions
- Operating Speed:
- DC – 32 MHz clock input
- 125 ns minimum instruction cycle
- Interrupt Capability
- 16-Level Deep Hardware Stack
- Two 8-Bit Timers
- One 16-Bit Timer
- Up to Four Additional 16-Bit Timers Available Using the 16-Bit PWMs
- Power-on Reset (POR)
- Power-up Timer (PWRT)
- Low-Power Brown-out Reset (LPBOR)
- Programmable Watchdog Timer (WDT) up to 256s
- Programmable Code Protection
- Up to 14 Kbytes Program Flash Memory (PFM)
- Up to 1 Kbytes Data SRAM Memory
- Direct, Indirect and Relative Addressing modes
- 128 Bytes of non-volatile Data Storage, High-Endurance Flash (HEF)
- Sleep mode: 20 nA @ 1.8V, typical
- Watchdog Timer: 260nA @ 1.8V, typical
- Operating Current:
- 30 uA/MHz @ 1.8V, typical
- 16-Bit PWM:
- Up to four 16-bit PWMs with independent timers
- Multiple output modes (standard, center aligned, set and toggle on register match)
- User settings for phase, duty cycle, period, offset and polarity
- 16-bit timer capability
- Interrupts generated based on timer matches with offset, duty cycle, period and phase registers
- Complementary Waveform Generator (CWG):
- Rising and falling edge dead-band control
- Multiple signal sources
- Enhanced Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transceiver (EUSART):
- Supports LIN applications
- Peripheral Pin Select (PPS):
- I/O pin remapping of digital peripherals
- Up to 18 I/Os
- Individually Selectable Weak Pull-ups
- Interrupt-on-Change Pins Option with Edge-Selectable Option
- Tape and Reel Packaging