The PIC16LF1566 micro controller delivers unique on-chip features forthe design of mTouch and general purpose applications in 28-pin count packages. Up to 23 analog channelsconnecting to two 10-bit ADCs with automated hardware CVD modules, two PWMs and multiple communicationperipherals offer an excellent solution to implement capacitive sensing and other front-end sampling applications withminimal software overhead.
Dual Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)23 Channel 10-bit ADCAdvanced Controls for mTouch CVD (Capacitive Voltage Divider)Voltage Reference2 x MI2C, SPIUARTHigh Endurance Flash Memory (HEF) 128 B of Non-volatile Data Storage25mA Source/Sink current I/O32 MHz internal oscillatorLow Power Brown Out Reset (LPBOR)Extended Watchdog Timer (WDT)In-Circuit DebugOperating Voltage : 1.8V – 3.6V