The PIC16C926 is a low cost, high performance, CMOS, fully static, 8-bit microcontrollers with an integrated LCD Driver module, in the PIC16CXXX mid-range family. For the PIC16C925/926 family, there are two device “types” as indicated in the device number: 1. C, as in PIC16C926. These devices operate over the standard voltage range. 2. LC, as in PIC16LC926. These devices operate over an extended voltage range. These devices come in 64-pin and 68-pin packages, as well as die form. Both configurations offer identical peripheral devices and other features. The only difference between the PIC16C925 and PIC16C926 is the additional EPROM and data memory offered in the latter. A UV-erasable, CERQUAD packaged version (compatible with PLCC) is also available for both the PIC16C925 and PIC16C926. This version is ideal for cost effective code development.
- High Performance RISC CPU:
- Only 35 single word instructions to learn
- All single cycle instructions except for program branches which are two-cycle
- Operating speed: DC – 20 MHz clock input DC – 200 ns instruction cycle
- Up to 8K x 14-bit words of EPROM program memory, 336 bytes general purpose registers (SRAM), 60 special function registers
- Pinout compatible with PIC16C923/924
- Peripheral Features:
- 25 I/O pins with individual direction control and 25-27 input only pins
- Timer0 module: 8-bit timer/counter with programmable 8-bit prescaler
- Timer1 module: 16-bit timer/counter, can be incremented during SLEEP via external crystal/clock
- Timer2 module: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit period register, prescaler, and postscaler
- One Capture, Compare, PWM module
- Synchronous Serial Port (SSP) module with two modes of operation:
- 3-wire SPI™ (supports all 4 SPI modes)
- I2C™ Slave mode
- Programmable LCD timing module:
- Multiple LCD timing sources available
- Can drive LCD panel while in SLEEP mode
- Static, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 multiplex
- Static drive and 1/3 bias capability
- 16 bytes of dedicated LCD RAM
- Up to 32 segments, up to 4 commons
- Analog Features:
- 10-bit 5-channel Analog-to-Digital Converter (A/D)
- Brown-out Reset (BOR)
- Special Microcontroller Features:
- Power-on Reset (POR)
- Power-up Timer (PWRT) and Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST)
- Watchdog Timer (WDT) with its own on-chip RC oscillator for reliable operation
- Programmable code protection
- Selectable oscillator options
- In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™) via two pins
- Processor read access to program memory
- CMOS Technology:
- Low power, high speed CMOS/EPROM technology
- Fully static design
- Wide operating voltage range: 2.5V to 5.5V
- Commercial and Industrial temperature ranges
- Low power consumption