The MSC1200Yx, MSC1201Yx, and MSC1202Yx arecompletely integrated families of mixed-signal devicesincorporating a high-resolution, delta-sigma ADC, 8-bitcuurent output DAC, input multiplexer, burnout detectcurrent sources, selectable buffered input, offset DAC,programmable gain amplifier (PGA), temperature sensor,voltage reference, 8-bit 8051 microcontroller, FlashProgram Memory, Flash Data Memory, and Data SRAM,as shown in Figure 3. The MSC1200, MSC1201, andMSC1202 will be referred to as the MSC120x in thisdocument, unless otherwise noted.On-chip peripherals include an additional 32-bitsummation register, basic SPI, basic I2C, USART, two8-bit digital input/output ports, a watchdog timer,low-voltage detect, on-chip power-on reset, brownoutreset, timer/counters, system clock divider, PLL, on-chiposcillator, and external or internal interrupts.The devices accept differential or single-ended signalsdirectly from a transducer. The ADC provides 24 bits(MSC1200/01) or 16 bits (MSC1202) of resolution and 24bits (MSC1200/01) or 16 bits (MSC1202) ofno-missing-code performance using a Sinc3 filter with aprogrammable sample rate. The ADC also has aselectable filter that allows for high-resolution, single-cycleconversions.The microcontroller core is 8051 instruction setcompatible. The microcontroller core is an optimized 8051core that executes up to three times faster than thestandard 8051 core, given the same clock source. Thisdesign makes it possible to run the device at a lowerexternal clock frequency and achieve the sameperformance at lower power than the standard 8051 core.The MSC120x allow users to uniquely configure the FlashMemory map to meet the needs of their applications. TheFlash is programmable down to +2.7V using serialprogramming. Flash endurance is typically 1MErase/Write cycles.The parts have separate analog and digital supplies, whichcan be independently powered from +2.7V to +5.25V. At+3V operation, the power dissipation for the part istypically less than 3mW. The MSC1200 is available in aTQFP-48 package. The MSC1201 and MSC1202 are bothavailable in a QFN-36 package.The MSC120x are designed for high-resolutionmeasurement applications in smart transmitters, industrialprocess control, weigh scales, chromatography, andportable instrumentation.
- 1dditional 32-Bit Accumulator
- Two 16-Bit Timer/Counters
- System Timers
- Programmable Watchdog Timer
- Full-Duplex USART
- Basic SPI
- Basic I2C
- Power Management Control
- Internal Clock Divider
- Idle Mode Current < 200 A
- Stop Mode Current < 100nA
- Digital Brownout Reset
- Analog Low-Voltage Detect
- 20 Interrupt Sources