MCU 8-bit MCS51 8051 CISC ROMLess 5V 44-Pin PLCC
- High Performance CHMOS EPROM/ ROM/CPU
- 12/24/33 MHz Operations
- Three 16-Bit Timer/Counters
- Programmable Clock Out
- Up/Down Timer/Counter
- Three Level Program Lock System
- 8K/16K/32K On-Chip Program Memory
- 256 Bytes of On-Chip Data RAM
- Improved Quick Pulse Programming Algorithm
- Boolean Processor
- 32 Programmable I/O Lines
- 6 Interrupt Sources
- Programmable Serial Channel with: Ð Framing Error Detection Ð Automatic Address Recognition
- TTL and CMOS Compatible Logic Levels
- 64K External Program Memory Space
- 64K External Data Memory Space
- MCSÉ 51 Microcontroller Compatible Instruction Set
- Power Saving Idle and Power Down Modes
- ONCE (On-Circuit Emulation) Mode
- Four-Level Interrupt Priority
- Extended Temperature Range Except for 33 MHz Offering (-40°C to +85°C)