A member of the Intel family of 8-bit MCS 251 microcontrollers, the 8xC251TA/TB/TP/TQ is binary-code compatible with MCS 51 microcontrollers and pin compatible with 40-pin PDIP and 44-pin PLCC MCS 51 microcontrollers. MCS 251 microcontrollers feature an enriched instruction set, linear addressing, and efficient C-language support. The 8xC251TA/TB/TP/TQ has 512 bytes or 1 Kbyte of on-chip RAM and is available with 8 Kbytes or 16 Kbytes of on-chip ROM, or without ROM. A variety of features can be selected by new user-programmable configurations.
- Real-time and Programmed Wait State Bus Operation
- Binary-code Compatible with MCS® 51
- Pin Compatible with 44-pin PLCC and 40-pin PDIP MCS 51 Sockets
- Register-based MCS® 251 Architecture
- 40-byte Register File
- Registers Accessible as Bytes, Words, or Double Words
- Enriched MCS 51 Instruction Set
- 16-bit and 32-bit Arithmetic and Logic Instructions
- Compare and Conditional Jump Instructions
- Expanded Set of Move Instructions
- Linear Addressing
- 256-Kbyte Expanded External Code/Data Memory Space
- ROM Options: 16 Kbytes (TB/TQ), 8 Kbytes (TA/TP), or without ROM
- 16-bit Internal Code Fetch
- 64-Kbyte Extended Stack Space
- On-chip Data RAM Options: 1-Kbyte (TA/TB) or 512-Byte (TP/TQ)
- 8-bit, 2-clock External Code Fetch in Page Mode
- Fast MCS 251 Instruction Pipeline
- User-selectable Configurations:
- External Wait States (0-3 wait states)
- Address Range & Memory Mapping
- Page Mode
- Extended Data Float Timings or 8xC251Sx Compatible AC Timings
- 32 Programmable I/O Lines
- Eight Maskable Interrupt Sources with Four Programmable Priority Levels
- Three Flexible 16-bit Timer/counters
- Hardware Watchdog Timer
- Programmable Counter Array
- High-speed Output
- Compare/Capture Operation
- Pulse Width Modulator
- Watchdog Timer
- Two Programmable Serial I/O Ports
- Framing Error Detection
- Automatic Address Recognition
- High-performance CHMOS Technology
- Static Standby to 24-MHz Operation
- Complete System Development Support
- Compatible with Existing Tools
- MCS 251 Tools Available: Compiler, Assembler, Debugger, ICE
- Package Options (PDIP and PLCC)