The MC9S08JS16 (JS16) family features a full-speed 2.0 USB device controller and integrates a USB transceiver to help you reduce cost by eliminating off-chip components. The JS16 is ideal for affordable PC peripherals. Freescale offers easy-to-use hardware and software solutions for JS16 devices to help you navigate the development process quickly and easily.
8-Bit HCS08 Central Processing Unit (CPU)
- Up to 24 MHz internal bus (48 MHz HCS08 core) frequency offering 2.7 to 5.5V across temperature range of -40°C to +85°C
On-Chip Memory
- Up to 16K flash read/program/erase over entire operating voltage and temperature ranges
- Up to 512 bytes random access memory (RAM)
- 256 byte USB RAM
Power-Saving Modes
- Wait plus two stop modes
Clock Source Options
- Clock source options include crystal, resonator and external clock
- Multi-purpose clock generator (MCG)—PLL and FLL
- Internal reference clock with trim adjustment
- Option to drive USB module with 32.768 kHz crystal
- USB device module
- Serial Communications Interface (SCI) module with optional 13 bit break.
- Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) – A single 8-bit or 16- bit module with receive data buffer (RDB) hardware match function
- TPM — Up to 2-channel 16-bit timer/pulse-width modulator (TPM) module
- RTC—(Real-time counter) 8-bit modulus counter with binary or decimal based prescaler
- 8 interrupt pins with selectable polarity
- 12 general purpose input/output (GPIO) pins and 2 output only pins
System Protection
- A watchdog Computer Operating Properly (COP) reset
- option to run from dedicated 1-kHz internal clock source or bus clock
- Low-voltage detection with reset or interrupt
- Illegal opcode detection with reset
- Illegal address detection with reset
- Flash block protection
Development Support
- ROM based USB boot loader
- Single-wire background debug interface
- On-chip in-circuit emulator (ICE) debug with real time bus capture