The S08LC microcontroller expands Freescale"s 8-bit portfolio by offering an integrated LCD controller with the low-power and feature-rich capabilities of the S08 family. It is the first LCD S08 8-bit microcontroller for battery-powered and handheld applications. The S08LC is a flash-based device with enhanced EEPROM emulation, eliminating the need for off-chip EEPROM, saving both board space and cost. The S08LC is specifically crafted to provide high segment count that is easy on the batteries. A larger segment display of up to 160 segments offers total flexibility with a graphical display and sufficient memory to act as application and LCD controller without the added cost of a dot matrix or “chip-on-glass,” fulfilling the need for a broad spectrum of applications with displays.
S08 Central Processor Unit (CPU)
- 40 MHz (20 MHz bus) at >2.1V operation for 50 ns minimum instruction time
- 16 MHz (8 MHz bus) frequency at <2.1V
LCD Driver and Internal Charge Pump
- Integrated LCD driver supports both standard 3V and 5V LCD glass
- Configurable display for 4 x 40 or 3 x 41segment display
- Automatic blink and refresh
- Internal charge pump
- Capable of running in STOP3 mode
Flash Memory
- In-application re-programmability
- Dual flash block for enhanced EEPROM emulation
Clock Source Options
- Internal clock generator (ICG)
- frequency-locked loop (FLL)
- controlled by internal or external reference
Serial Communication Ports
- Serial communications interface (SCI) module offering asynchronous communications
- Serial peripheral interface (SPI) module
- Full-duplex, 3-wire synchronous transfer
- Maximum bit rate of 5 MHz for 10 MHz bus frequency
- Inter-integrated Circuit (I2C) bus module
- 2-wire synchronous serial module to connect to standard I2C bus
- Designed to operate up to 100 kbps with maximum bus loading and timing
Keyboard Interrupts (KBI) and I/O
- Up to 16 KBI with software selectable polarity on edge or edge/level modes
Analog Integration
- 8-channel, 12-bit ADC
- Automatic compare function, software programmable for greater than, equal to or less than conditions
- Temperature sensor
- Internal bandgap reference channel
- Trigger conversion using the real-time interrupt (RTI) counter
- Analog comparator module
- Option to compare to internal reference
- Output can be optionally routed to timer / pulse width modulation module (TPM) as input capture trigger
- Programmable 16-bit TPM
- Each channel can be independentlyprogrammed for:
- Input capture
- Output compare
- Buffered, edge-aligned pulse width modulation (PWM)
- Buffered center-aligned PWM
System Security Features
- Watchdog computer operating properly reset with option to run from dedicated 1 kHz internal clock source or from bus clock
- Low-voltage detection (LVD) generates reset, interrupt or flag with two software selectable trip points
- Low-voltage warning sets flag, with higher trip points than LVD