The DS5002FP secure microprocessor chip is a secure version of the DS5001FP 128k soft microprocessor chip. In addition to the memory and I/O enhancements of the DS5001FP, the secure microprocessor chip incorporates the most sophisticated security features available in any processor. The security features of the DS5002FP include an array of mechanisms that are designed to resist all levels of threat, including observation, analysis, and physical attack. As a result, a massive effort is required to obtain any information about memory contents. Furthermore, the “soft” nature of the DS5002FP allows frequent modification of the secure information, thereby minimizing the value of any secure information obtained by such a massive effort. Note: Designers must have the following documents to fully use all the features of this device. This data sheet contains pin descriptions, feature overviews, and electrical specifications. Errata sheets contain deviations from published specifications. The user"s guides offer detailed information about device features and operation. DS5002FP IC data sheet DS5002FP revision-specific errata sheet (Click here for availability) Secure Microcontroller User"s Guide
- 8051-Compatible Microprocessor for Secure/Sensitive Applications
- Access 32kB, 64kB, or 128kB of NV SRAM for Program and/or Data Storage
- In-System Programming Through On-Chip Serial Port
- Can Modify Its Own Program or Data Memory in the End System
- Memory Stored in Encrypted Form
- Encryption Using On-Chip 64-Bit Key
- Automatic True Random Key Generator
- Self Destruct Input (SDI)
- Optional Top Coating Prevents Microprobe (DS5002FPM)
- Improved Security Over Previous Generations
- Protects Memory Contents from Piracy
- Maintains All Nonvolatile Resources for Over 10 Years in the Absence of Power
- Power-Fail Reset
- Early Warning Power-Fail Interrupt
- Watchdog Timer