The COPSAx Rom based and OTP microcontrollers are highly integrated COP8 feature core devices, with 1k to 4k memory and advanced features including low EMI. These single-chip CMOS devices are suited for low cost applications requiring a full featured controller, low EMI, and POR. 100% form-fit-function compatible OTP versions are available with 1k, 2k, and 4k memory, and in a variety of packages including 28-pin CSP. Erasable windowed versions are available for use with a range of COP8 software and hardware development tools. Family features include an 8-bit memory mapped architecture, 10 MHz CKI with 1 µs instruction cycle, one multi-function 16-bit timer/counter with PWM output, MICROWIRE/PLUS serial I/O, two power saving HALT/IDLE modes, MIWU, idle timer, on-chip R/C oscillator, 12 high current outputs, user selectable options (WATCHDOG, 4 clock/oscillator modes, power-on-reset), low EMI 2.7V to 5.5V operation, and 16/20/28/40/44 pin packages.