32-bit Microcontrollers with ARM® Cortex®-M0 for a broad range of price sensitive applications however demanding state of the art functionality.
- 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 CPU Core
- Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller
- 64 interrupt nodes
- MATH coprocessor
- 2×4 channels ERU for event interconnections
- 8 Kbyte ROM
- 16 Kbyte SRAM (with parity)
- up to 200 Kbyte Flash (with ECC)
- 1.8 V to 5.5 V supply with power on reset and brownout detector
- On-chip clock monitor
- External crystal oscillator support (32 kHz and 4 to 20 MHz)
- Internal slow and fast oscillators without the need of PLL
- Window watchdog
- Real time clock module
- Pseudo random number generator
- Four USIC channels
- LEDTS in Human-Machine interface
- MultiCAN+, Full-CAN/Basic-CAN with 2 nodes, 32 message objects (up to 1 MBaud)
- A/D Converters (up to 12 analog inputs)
- Up to 8 channels out of range comparators
- Up to 4 fast analog comparators
- Temperature Sensor
- 2×4 16-bit 96 MHz CCU4 timers for signal monitoring and PWM
- 2×4 16-bit 96 MHz CCU8 timers for complex PWM, complementary high/low side switches and multi phase control
- 2x POSIF for hall and quadrature encoders, motor positioning
- 9 channel BCCU (brightness and color control) for LED lighting applications
- 1.8 V to 5.5 V capable
- up to 8 high current pads (50 mA sink)
- 4 breakpoints, 2 watchpoints
- ARM serial wire debug, single-pin debug interfaces
- TSSOP-38 (9.7 × 6.4 mm2 )
- VQFN-40/48/64 (5×5/7×7/8×8 mm2 )
- LQFP-64 (12 × 12 mm