The TM4C1237D5PM microcontrolleris targeted for industrial applications, including remote monitoring, electronic point-of-sale machines, test and measurement equipment, network appliances and switches, factory automation, HVAC and building control, gaming equipment, transportation, and fire and security.
32-bit ARM® Cortex™-M4 80-MHz processor core with SystemTimer (SysTick), integrated Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC), Wake-Up Interrupt Controller (WIC) with clock gating, Memory Protection Unit (MPU), IEEE754-compliant single-precision Floating-Point Unit (FPU), Embedded Trace Macro and Trace Port, System Control Block (SCB) and Thumb-2 instruction set
On-chip memory, featuring 64 KB single-cycle Flash up to 40 MHz (a prefetch buffer improves performance above 40 MHz), 24 KB single-cycle SRAM; internal ROM loaded with TivaWare™ for C Series software; 2KB EEPROM
One Controller Area Network (CAN) module, using CAN protocol version 2.0 part A/B and with bit rates up to 1 Mbps
Universal Serial Bus (USB) controller with USB 2.0 full-speed (12 Mbps) and low-speed (1.5 Mbps) operation, 32 endpoints, and USB OTG/Host/Device mode
Advanced serial integration, featuring: eight UARTs with IrDA, 9-bit, and ISO 7816 support (one UART with modem status and modem flow control); four Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI) modules, supporting operation for Freescale SPI, MICROWIRE, or Texas Instruments synchronous serial interfaces; four Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) modules, providing Standard (100 Kbps) and Fast (400 Kbps) transmission and support for sending and receiving data as either a master or a slave
ARM PrimeCell® 32-channel configurable µDMA controller, providing a way to offload data transfer tasks from the Cortex™-M4 processor, allowing for more efficient use of the processor and the available bus bandwidth
Analog support, featuring: two 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC) with 12 analog input channels and a sample rate of one million samples/second; two analog comparators; 16 digital comparators; on-chip voltage regulator
Two ARM FiRM-compliant watchdog timers; six 32-bit general-purpose timers (up to twelve 16-bit); six wide 64-bit general-purpose timers (up to twelve 32-bit); 12 16/32-bit and 12 32/64-bit Capture Compare PWM (CCP) pins
Up to 43 GPIOs (depending on configuration), with programmable control for GPIO interrupts and pad configuration, and highly flexible pin muxing
Lower-power battery-backed Hibernation module with Real-Time Clock
Multiple clock sources for microcontroller system clock: Precision Oscillator (PIOSC), Main Oscillator (MOSC), 32.768-kHz external oscillator for the Hibernation Module, and Internal 30-kHz Oscillator
Full-featured debug solution with debug access via JTAG and Serial Wire interfaces, and IEEE 1149.1-1990 compliant Test Access Port (TAP) controller
Industrial-range (-40°C to 85°C) RoHS-compliant 64-pin LQFP