MCU 32-bit TC11xx TriCore CISC 1.5MB Flash 3.3V 176-Pin LQFP Tray
- High-performance 32-bit super-scaler TriCore v1.3 CPU with 4-stage pipelineo Superior real-time performanceo Strong bit handlingo Fully integrated DSP capabilitieso Single precision Floating Point Unit (FPU)o 80 MHz operation at full temperature range
- Peripheral Control Processor with single cycle instruction (PCP2)o 8 Kbyte Parameter Memory (PRAM)o 12 Kbyte Code Memory (CMEM)
- Multiple on-chip memorieso 56 Kbyte Local Data Memory (SRAM)o 8 Kbyte Overlay Memoryo 16 Kbyte Scratch-Pad RAM (SPRAM)o 8 Kbyte Instruction Cache (ICACHE)o 1504 Kbyte Program Flash (for instruction code and constant data)o 32 Kbyte Data Flash (e.g. 4 Kbyte EEPROM emulation)o 16 Kbyte Boot ROM
- 8-channel DMA Controller
- Fast-response interrupt system with 2 x 255 hardware priority arbitration levels serviced by CPU or PCP2
- High-performance on-chip bus structureo 64-bit Local Memory Bus (LMB) to Flash memoryo System Peripheral Bus (SPB) for interconnections of functional units
- Versatile on-chip Peripheral Unitso Two Asynchronous/Synchronous Serial Channels (ASCs) with baudrate generator, parity, framing and overrun error detectiono Two High Speed Synchronous Serial Channels (SSCs) with programmable data length and shift directiono One Micro Second Bus (MSC) interface for serial port expansion to external power deviceso Two high-speed Micro Link Interfaces (MLIs) for serial inter-processor communicationo One MultiCAN Module with two CAN nodes and 64 free assignable message objects for high efficiency data handling via FIFO buffering and gateway data transfero One General Purpose Timer Array Module (GPTA) with a powerful set of digital signal filtering and timer functionality to realize autonomous and complex Input/Output managemento One 16-channel Analog-to-Digital Converter unit (ADC) with selectable 8-bit, 10- bit, or 12-bit, supporting 32 input channelso One 2-channel Fast Analog-to-Digital Converter unit (FADC) with concatenated comb filters for hardware data reduction: supporting 10-bit resolution, with minimum conversion time of 262.5ns
- 32 analog input lines for ADC and FADC
- 81 digital general purpose I/O lines
- Digital I/O ports with 3.3 V capability
- On-chip debug support for OCDS Level 1 and 2 (CPU, PCP, DMA)
- Power Management System
- Clock Generation Unit with PLL
- Core supply voltage of 1.5 V
- I/O voltage of 3.3 V
- Full Industrial and Multi-Market temperature range: -40° to +85°C
- PG-LQFP-176-2 package