MCU 32-Bit RX111 RX CISC 512KB Flash 3.3V 64-Pin LQFP Tray
32-bit RX CPU core 32 MHz maximum operating frequency Capable of 50 DMIPS when operating at 32 MHz Accumulator handles 64-bit results (for a single instruction) from 32-bit × 32-bit operations Multiplication and division unit handles 32-bit × 32-bit operations (multiplication instructions take one CPU clock cycle) Fast interrupt CISC Harvard architecture with five-stage pipeline Variable-length instruction format, ultra-compact code On-chip debugging circuit Low power consumption functions Operation from a single 1.8 to 3.6 V supply Three low power consumption modes Supply current High-speed operating mode: 0.11 mA/MHz Software standby mode: 0.44 µA Recovery time from software standby mode: 4.8 µs On-chip flash memory for code, no wait states Operation at 32 MHz, read cycle of 31.25 ns No wait states for reading at full CPU speed 512 Kbyte capacities Programmable at 1.8 V For instructions and operands On-chip data flash memory 8 Kbytes 1,000,000 Erase/Write cycles (typ.) BGO (Background Operation) On-chip SRAM, no wait states 64 Kbyte capacities Data transfer controller (DTC) Four transfer modes Transfer can be set for each interrupt source Package : LQFP