The PIC32MM family is Microchip’s lowest-power and most cost-effective family of 32-bit PIC32 microcontrollers. The PIC32MM family bridges the gap between our popular PIC24F XLP and PIC32MX families. For applications demanding longer battery life and smaller form factors, the PIC32MM devices offer sleep modes down to 500 nA and packages as small as 4 × 4 mm. This family features Core Independent Peripherals, such as Configurable Logic Cells (CLCs) and Multiple-output Capture Compare PWMs (MCCPs), designed to offload the CPU. The PIC32MM family uses the compact microMIPS™ instructions, microAptiv™ UC core and a shadow register set, enabling a 79 CoreMark™ score at 25MHz. The microMIPS ISA combines 16-bit and 32-bit instructions for compact code size. The PIC32MM devices are supported by Microchip’s MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) to help simplify designs.
Low power: optimize power consumption in battery applications Low-voltage sleep mode with RAM retention < 500 nA Low cost: prices as low as $0.60 in high volume Small packages: 4 × 4 mm, 5 × 5 mm and 6 × 6 mm Core Independent Peripheral integration ADC, comparators, RTCC, WDT, CLC Flexible PWMs/IC/OC/Timers (MCCP and SCCP) Analog integration 12-bit 200 ksps ADC, 5-bit DAC, comparators Supported by MPLAB Code Configurator for easy set up