The MCF51AC family, comprised of pin-compatible 8-bit and 32-bit device duos, is the third family in the Flexis series. The Flexis series of controllers is the connection point on the Freescale Controller Continuum, where 8- and 32-bit compatibility becomes reality. The MCF51AC256/128 device extends the low end of the 32-bit ColdFire controller family with up to 256 KB flash memory, a controller area network (CAN) module, a 16-bit FlexTimer module, 24-channel, 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and delivers up to 25 MHz in bus frequency. The 32-bit MCF51AC256/128 is pin-, peripheral- and tool-compatible with the 8-bit S08AC128/96/60/48/32 devices. They share a common set of peripherals and development tools to deliver the ultimate in migration flexibility.