The ST10F296E is a derivative of the STMicroelectronics ST10 family of 16-bit single-chip CMOS microcontrollers. It combines high CPU performance (up to 32 million instructions per second) with high peripheral functionality and enhanced I/O-capabilities. It also provides on-chip high-speed single voltage Flash memory, on-chip high-speed RAM, and clock generation via the phase-locked loop (PLL).ST10F296E is processed in 0.18 µm CMOS technology. The MCU core and the logic is supplied with a 5 V to 1.8 V on-chip voltage regulator. The part is supplied with a single 5 V supply and I/Os work at 5 V.
- High performance 16-bit CPU with DSP functions
- 31.25 ns instruction cycle time at 64 MHz max CPU clock
- Multiply/accumulate unit (MAC) 16 x 16-bit multiplication, 40-bit accumulator
- Enhanced boolean bit manipulation facilities
- Single
- cycle context switching support
- Memory organization
- 512 Kbyte Flash memory (32-bit fetch)
- 320 Kbyte extension Flash memory (16-bit fetch)
- 100 k erasing/programming cycles
- Up to 16 Mbyte linear address space for code and data (5 Mbytes with CAN or I2C)
- 2 Kbyte on
- chip internal RAM (IRAM)
- 66 Kbyte on
- chip extension RAM (XRAM)
- Programmable external bus characteristics for different address ranges
- Five programmable chip
- select signals
- Hold
- acknowledge bus arbitration support
- Interrupt
- 8
- channel peripheral event controller for single cycle interrupt driven data transfer
- 16
- priority
- level interrupt system with 56 sources, sampling rate down to 15.6 ns
- Timers
- Two multi
- functional general purpose timer units with 5 timers
- Two 16
- channel capture/compare units
- Analog
- to
- digital converter (ADC)
- 32
- channel 10-bit
- 3 µs minimum conversion time
- TImer for ADC channel injection
- 4
- channel PWM unit and 4
- channel XPWM
- Serial channels
- Two synchronous/asynch. serial channels
- Two high
- speed synchronous channels
- I2C standard interface
- Two CAN 2.0B interfaces operating on one or two CAN busses (64 or 2 x 32 message objects, C
- CAN version)
- Fail
- safe protection
- Programmable watchdog timer
- Oscillator watchdog
- On
- chip bootstrap loader
- Clock generation
- On
- chip PLL and 4
- 12 MHz oscillator
- Direct or prescaled clock input
- Real
- time clock
- Up to 143 general purpose I/O lines
- Individually programmable as input, output or special function
- Programmable threshold (hysteresis)
- Idle, power
- down and stand
- by modes
- Single voltage supply: 5 V ±10% (embedded regulator for 1.8 V core supply).