The ST10F276Z5 is a derivative of the STMicroelectronics ST10 family of 16-bit single-chip CMOS microcontrollers. It combines high CPU performance (up to 32 million instructions per second) with high peripheral functionality and enhanced I/O-capabilities. It also provides on-chip high-speed single voltage Flash memory, on-chip high-speed RAM, and clock generation via PLL. The ST10F276Z5 is processed in 0.18 µm CMOS technology. The MCU core and the logic is supplied with a 5 to 1.8V on-chip voltage regulator. The part is supplied with a single 5 V supply and I/Os work at 5V. The device is upward compatible with the ST10F269 device, with the following set of differences: Flash control interface is now based on STMicroelectronics third generation of stand-alone Flash memories (M29F400 series), with an embedded Program/Erase Controller. This completely frees up the CPU during programming or erasing the Flash. Only one supply pin (ex DC1 in ST10F269, renamed into V18 is used for decoupling the internally generated 1.8 V core logic supply. Do not connect this pin to 5.0 V external supply. Instead, this pin should be connected to a decoupling capacitor (ceramic type, typical value 10 nF, maximum value 100 nF).The AC and DC parameters are modified due to a difference in the maximum CPU frequency. A new VDD pin replaces DC2 of ST10F269.EA pin assumes a new alternate functionality: it is also used to provide a dedicated power supply (see VSTBY) to maintain biased a portion of the XRAM (16Kbytes) when STBY the main Power Supply of the device (VDD and consequently the internally generated V18) is turned off for low power mode, allowing data retention. V STBYvoltage shall be in the range 4.5-5.5 V, and a dedicated embedded low power voltage regulator is in charge to provide the 1.8 V for the RAM, the low-voltage section of the 32 kHz oscillator and the real-time clock module when not disabled. It is allowed to exceed the upper limit up to 6 V for a very short period of time during the global life of the device, and exceed the lower limit down to 4 V when RTC and 32 kHz on-chip oscillator are not used.A second ASC mapped on the XBUS is added (ASC0 of ST10F269 remains ASC0, while the new one is referred as XASC or simply as ASC1). Note that some restrictions and functional differences due to the XBUS peculiarities are present between the classic ASC, and the new XASC.A second PWM mapped on the XBUS is added (PWM of ST10F269 becomes here PWM0, while the new one is referred as XPWM or simply as PWM1).