The R8C/2H is based on the R8C CPU Core. Maximum operating frequency is 8 MHz. A Flash Memory Version is available. Internal Flash Memory is programmable on a single power source.
- 8-bit Multifunction Timer with 8-bit prescaler (Timer RA and RB): 2 channels
- Real-Time Clock Timer with compare match function (Timer RE): 1 channel
- Input Capture/Output Compare Timer (Timer RF): 16-bit x 1 channel
- UART/Clock Synchronous Serial Interface: 2 channels
- LIN Module: 1 channel (Timer RA, UART0)
- Comparator: 2 (shared with voltage monitor 1 and 2)
- Watchdog Timer
- Clock Generation Circuits: On-chip Oscillator (High/Low Speed), XCIN Clock Generation Circuit
- Voltage Detection Circuit
- Power-On Reset Circuit
- I/O Ports: 15
- External Interrupt Pins: 6