The expands on the existing 16-bit microcontrollers, combining an expanded peripheral feature set and enhanced computational performance with a new connectivity option: USB On-The-Go. The PIC24FJ256GB110 family provides a new platform for high-performance USB applications, which may need more than an 8-bit platform, but don"t require the power of a digital signal processor.
- 16-bit data and 24-bit address paths with the ability to move information between data and memory spaces
- Linear addressing of up to 12 Mbytes (program space) and 64 Kbytes (data)
- A 16-element working register array with built-in software stack support
- A 17 x 17 hardware multiplier with support for integer math
- Hardware support for 32 by 16-bit division
- An instruction set that supports multiple addressing modes and is optimized for high-level languages such as ‘C’
- Operational performance up to 16 MIPS
- Tape and Reel Packaging