The PIC24 16-bit Microcontroller, 128 KB Flash Memory, 8 KB RAM, and Advanced Peripherals, 64 Pin Package.
- Up to 16 MIPS performance
- 16 x 16 Hardware Multiply, Single Cycle Execution
- 32-bit x 16-bit Hardware Divider
- C Compiler Optimized Instruction Set
- System
- Internal oscillator support – 31 kHz to 8 MHz, up to 32 MHz with 4X PLL
- On-chip LDO Voltage Regulator
- JTAG Boundary Scan and Flash Memory Program Support
- Fail-Safe Clock Monitor – allows safe shutdown if clock fails
- Watchdog Timer with separate RC oscillator
- nanoWatt Power Managed Modes
- Run, Idle and Sleep modes
- Multiple, Switchable Clock Modes for Optimum Performance and Power Management
- Analog Features
- 10-bit ADC, 16 channels, 500k samples per second
- Two Analog comparators
- Other Peripherals
- 2 UART Modules with LIN and IrDA® support, 4 Deep FIFO
- 2 SPI ™ Modules with 8 Deep FIFO
- 2 I²C™ Modules with Master and Slave Modes
- Five 16-bit Timer Modules
- Up to 5 Input Capture and 5 Output Compare / PWM, all with dedicated timers
- Hardware RTCC, Real-Time Clock Calendar with Alarms
- PMP, Parallel Master Port, with 16 Address Lines, and 8/16-bit Data
- Tape and Reel Packaging