The 16-bit 8XC196NP CHMOS microcontrollers are designed to handle highspeed calculations and fast input/output (I/O) operations. They share a common architecture and instruction set with other members of the MCS 96 microcontroller family. In addition to their 16-bit address/data buses, both microcontrollers have extended addressing ports consisting of 4 external address pins, for a total of 20 address pins. With 20 address pins, these microcontrollers can access up to 1 Mbyte of linear address space. Both devices also have chip-select units that provide a glueless interface to external memory devices. The extended addressing port and chipselect unit enable these microcontrollers to handle larger, more complex programs and to access more external memory at a faster rate than could earlier MCS 96 microcontrollers. The 8XC196NP is a pin-compatible and have identical cores. However, the 80C196NU can operate at twice the frequency of the 8XC196NP also employs an accumulator and enhanced multiplication instructions to support multiply-accumulate operations. The 80C196NU is the first MCS 96 microcontroller with this capability. This chapter provides a high-level overview of the architecture.
- 25 MHz Operation at 4.5–5.5 Volts
- 1 Mbyte of Linear Address Space
- Optional 4 Kbytes of ROM
- 1000 Bytes of Register RAM
- Register-register Architecture
- 32 I/O Port Pins
- 16 Prioritized Interrupt Sources
- 4 External Interrupt Pins and NMI Pin
- 2 Flexible 16-bit Timer/Counters with Quadrature Counting Capability
- 3 Pulse-width Modulator (PWM) Outputs with High Drive Capability
- Full-duplex Serial Port with Dedicated Baud-rate Generator
- Peripheral Transaction Server
- Event Processor Array (EPA) with 4 High-speed Capture/Compare Channels
- Chip-select Unit
- 6 Chip Select Pins
- Dynamic Demultiplexed/Multiplexed Address/Data Bus for Each Chip Select
- Programmable Wait States (0, 1, 2, or 3) for Each Chip Select
- Programmable Bus Width (8- or 16- bit) for Each Chip Select
- Programmable Address Range for Each Chip Select
- 1.12 µs 16 × 16 Unsigned Multiplication
- 1.92 µs 32/16 Unsigned Division
- 100-pin SQFP or 100-pin QFP Package
- Complete System Development Support
- High-speed CHMOS Technology