The MM912G634 (48 kB) and MM912H634 (64 kB) are integrated single package solutions that integrate an HCS12 MCU with a SMARTMOS analog control IC. The Die to Die Interface (D2D) controlled analog die combines system base chip and application-specific functions, including a LIN transceiver. Your customer benefits include: Integrated MCU and analog features in the same package solution A full LIN solution Easy control of high-current motors using relays and current sense features Reduced space, resulting in enhanced reliability Full protection for output stages Economical multifunction solution with few components Low-power mode flexibility Reverse-battery-protected voltage sense
CPU Core
- 16-Bit S12 CPU, 64/48/32 kByte Program Flash
- 4/2/0 kByte Data Flash
- 6/2/2 kBytes of RAM
- Background debug (BDM) & debug module (DBG)
- 16-Bit, 4 Channel – Timer Module (TIM16B4C)
- Die to Die bus interface for transparent memory mapping
Standard I/O
- 6 or 10 digital MCU GPIOs shared with SPI
- 10-Bit, 15 Channel – Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)
- 8-Bit, 2 Channel – Pulse width modulation module (PWM)
Application Specific Functions
- On-chip oscillator & two independent watchdogs
- LIN 2.1 Physical Layer Interface with integrated SCI
- Six high voltage / Wake-up inputs (L5…0)
- Three low voltage GPIOs (PB2…0)
- Low power modes with cyclic sense & forced wake-up
- Two protected low side outputs to drive inductive loads
- Two protected high side outputs
- Hall sensor supply & integrated voltage regulator(s)
- Reverse battery protected voltage sense module
- Chip temperature sensor
- Current sense module with selectable gain