MCU 16-bit dsPIC30 dsPIC RISC 24KB Flash 3.3V/5V 44-Pin TQFP T/R
- Modified Harvard Architecture
- C Compiler Optimized Instruction Set Architecture
- Flexible Addressing modes
- 83 Base Instructions
- 24-Bit Wide Instructions, 16-Bit Wide Data Path
- Up to 48 Kbytes On-Chip Flash Program Space
- 2 Kbytes of On-Chip Data RAM
- 1 Kbyte of non-volatile Data EEPROM
- 16 x 16-Bit Working Register Array
- Up to 30 MIPS Operation:
- DC to 40 MHz External Clock Input
- 4 MHz-10 MHz Oscillator Input with PLL Active (4x, 8x, 16x)
- Up to 33 Interrupt Sources:
- 8 user-selectable priority levels
- 3 external interrupt sources
- 4 processor traps
- DSP Features:
- Dual Data Fetch
- Modulo and Bit-Reversed modes
- Two 40-Bit Wide Accumulators with Optional saturation Logic
- 17-Bit x 17-Bit Single-Cycle Hardware Fractional/Integer Multiplier
- All DSP Instructions are Single Cycle
- Multiply-Accumulate (MAC) Operation
- Single-Cycle ±16 Shift
- Tape and Reel Packaging