MCU 16-bit dsPIC30 dsPIC RISC 144KB Flash 3.3V/5V 80-Pin TQFP T/R
- Modified Harvard architecture
- C compiler optimized instruction set architecture
- Flexible addressing modes
- 83 base instructions
- 24-bit wide instructions, 16-bit wide data path
- Up to 144 Kbytes on-chip Flash program space
- Up to 48K instruction words
- Up to 8 Kbytes of on-chip data RAM
- Up to 4 Kbytes of non-volatile data EEPROM
- 16 x 16-bit working register array
- Up to 30 MIPS operation:
- DC to 40 MHz external clock input
- 4 MHz-10 MHz oscillator input with PLL active (4x, 8x, 16x)
- Up to 41 interrupt sources:
- Eight user-selectable priority levels
- Five external interrupt sources
- Four processor traps
- DSP Features:
- Dual data fetch
- Modulo and Bit-Reversed modes
- Two 40-bit wide accumulators with optional saturation logic
- 17-bit x 17-bit single-cycle hardware fractional/ integer multiplier
- All DSP instructions are single cycle:
- Multiply-Accumulate (MAC) operation
- Single-cycle ±16 shift
- Tape and Reel Packaging