The C167CS is an improved representative of the full featured 16-bit single-chip CMOS microcontrollers. It combines high CPU performance (up to 12.5/16.5 million instructions per second) with high peripheral functionality and means for power reduction.
- 80/60 ns minimum instruction cycle time, with most instructions executed in 1 cycle
- 400/300 ns multiplication (16-bit ´ 16-bit), 800/600 ns division (32-bit/16-bit)
- Multiple high bandwidth internal data buses
- Register based design with multiple variable register banks
- Single cycle context switching support
- 16 MBytes linear address space for code and data (Von Neumann architecture)
- System stack cache support with automatic stack overflow/underflow detection
- Bit, byte, and word data types
- Flexible and efficient addressing modes for high code density
- Enhanced boolean bit manipulation with direct addressability of 6 Kbits for peripheral control and user defined flags
- Hardware traps to identify exception conditions during runtime
- HLL support for semaphore operations and efficient data access
- 3 KByte internal RAM for variables, register banks, system stack and code
- 8 KByte on-chip high-speed XRAM for variables, user stack and code
- 32 KByte on-chip ROM (not for ROMless devices)
- Multiplexed or demultiplexed bus configurations
- Segmentation capability and chip select signal generation
- 8-bit or 16-bit data bus
- Bus cycle characteristics selectable for five programmable address areas
- 56 interrupt nodes with separate interrupt vectors
- 240/180 ns typical interrupt latency (400/300 ns maximum) in case of internal program execution
- Fast external interrupts
- Interrupt driven single cycle data transfer
- Transfer count option (std. CPU interrupt after programmable number of PEC transfers)
- Eliminates overhead of saving and restoring system state for interrupt requests
- 24-channel 10-bit A/D Converter with programmable conversion time (7.76 ms minimum), auto scan modes, channel injection mode
- Two 16-channel Capture/Compare Units with 2 independent time bases each, very flexible PWM unit/event recording unit with different operating modes, includes four 16-bit timers/counters, maximum resolution fCPU/8
- 4-channel PWM unit
- Two Multifunctional General Purpose Timer Units
- GPT1: Three 16-bit timers/counters, maximum resolution fCPU/8
- GPT2: Two 16-bit timers/counters, maximum resolution fCPU/4