The M16C/62A is based on the M16C/60 CPU Core and has 1MB of address space.Maximum operating frequency is 16MHz. Flash Memory Version. Internal Flash Memory is programmable on a single powersource.
- 16-bit Multifunction Timer (Timer A and B, incl. 3-phase inverter motorcontrol function): 11 channels
- UART/Clock Synchronous Serial Interface: 3 channels
- Clock Synchronous Serial Interface: 2 channels
- 10-bit A/D Converter: 10 channels
- 8-bit D/A Converter: 2
- DMAC: 2 channels
- CRC Calculation Circuit
- Watchdog Timer
- Clock Generation Circuits: Main Clock Generation Circuit, Sub Clock Generation Circuit
- I/O Ports: 87
- External Interrupt Pins: 11