The single-chip microcomputer with a high-speed internal 32-bit H8SX CPU as its core, and the peripheral functions required for system configuration. The H8SX CPU is upward compatible with the H8/300,H8/300H, and H8S CPUs.
- CPU (0.18 µm process)
- 32-bit Bus
- Power supply voltage: 4.5-5.5 V
- Excutes basic instructions in 1 state
- Maximum operating frequency: 40 MHz
- Minimum instruction execution: 25ns (40 MHz @ 5.0 V)
- Internal multiplier/ divider
- Internal memory
- 512 KB, 24 KB
- Enhanced instructions for improved code efficiency
- Peripheral modules
- 16-bit timer pulse unit (TPU): 6 ch
- DMA controller (DMAC): 4 ch
- Bus controller (BSC)
- Serial Communication Interface (SCI): 4 ch
- Synchronous serial communication unit (SSU): 2 ch
- A/D converter: 16 ch
- On-chip debugging module: H-UDI
- Watchdog timer (WDT)
- I/O port: 95 input/output ports, 17 input ports
- Watch timer (WAT)
- Motor control PWM timer
- 16 bit PWM timer
- Sound generator (SDG): 4 ch
- I2C2: 2 ch
- RCAN-ET: 2 ch
- 8 bit D/A converter: 2 ch
- Development environment
- Full ICE (E6000H)
- Simple debugging tool (E10A)
- Package
- LQFP-144