The SAM4CP16C belongs to SMART energy portfolio. It is based on SAM4C, a high performance 32-bit, dual core ARM Cortex-M4 RISC processor embedding a G3 PLC [Power Line Communication] modem. The two cores Cortex-M4 are able to operate at a maximum speed of 120 MHz, featuring 1 Mbyte of embedded Flash, 128 kBytes of SRAM and on chip cache for each core.The SAM4CP16C is a flexible, compact and high-efficient device for a wide range of Smart Grid applications such as Smart Metering (Smart Meters and Data Concentrators), Lighting, Industrial/Home Automation, Home and Building Energy Management Systems, Solar Energy and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) Charging Stations.
- Application/Master Core (CM4P0)
- ARM Cortex-M4 running at up to 120 MHz(1)
- Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
- DSP Instruction
- Thumb®-2 instruction set
- Instruction and Data Cache Controller with 2 Kbytes Cache Memory
- Co-processor (CM4P1), provides ability to separate application, communication or metrology functions
- Symmetrical/Asynchronous Dual Core Architecture
- Interrupt-based Interprocessor Communication
- Asynchronous Clocking
- One Interrupt Controller (NVIC) for each core
- Each Peripheral IRQ routed to each NVIC Input
- Embedded core and LCD voltage regulator for single-supply operation
- Power-on-Reset (POR), Brownout Detector (BOD) and Dual Watchdog for safe operation
- Ultra-low-power Backup mode (<0.5 µA Typical @ 25°C)
- One Low-power Segmented LCD Controller
- Display capacity of 46 Segments and 5 common terminals
- Software-selectable LCD output voltage (Contrast)
- Low current consumption in Low-power mode
- Can be used in Backup mode
- Up to five USARTs with ISO7816, IrDA®, RS-485, SPI and Manchester Mode
- Two 2-wire UARTs with one UART (UART1) supporting optical transceiver providing an electrically isolated serial communication with hand-held equipment, such as calibrators, compliant with ANSIC12.18 or IEC62056-21 norms
- Two 400 kHz Master/Slave and Multi-Master Two-wire Interfaces (I2 C compatible)
- Up to six Serial Peripheral Interfaces (SPI)
- Two 3-Channel 16-bit Timer/Counters with Capture, Waveform, Compare and PWM modes
- Quadrature Decoder Logic and 2-bit Gray Up/Down Counter for Stepper Motor
- 4-channel 16-bit Pulse Width Modulator
- 32-bit Real-time Timer