The XDP™ SMPS digital power devicesIDP2303and IDP2303A are high performance digital combo controllers with integrated drivers and 600V depletion cell designed for boost PFC and half-bridge LLC targeting switched-mode power supplies (SMPS) from 75W to 300W.High performance digital combo controller for multi-mode boost PFC and half-bridge LLC The advanced control algorithm of IDP2303(A) provides boost PFC with multi-mode operation, including critical conduction mode (CrCM), quasi resonant discontinuous mode (QR DCM), and active burst mode. It also offers configurable non-linear timer controlled oscillator (TCO) for LLC so -start and voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) for LLC normal operation.In addition, the seamless communication between PFC and LLC ensures optimal whole system operation and consequently greatly improving system reliability. Adaptive LLC burst mode enables ultralow standby power loss, small output ripple/noise and excellent dynamic load response.