The bq24313 and bq24315 are highly integrated circuits designed to provide protection to Li-ion batteries from failures of the charging circuit. The IC continuously monitors the input voltage, the input current, and the battery voltage.
- Provides Protection for Three Variables:
- Input Overvoltage, with Rapid Response in < 1 µs
- User-Programmable Overcurrent with Current Limiting
- Battery Overvoltage
- 30V Maximum Input Voltage
- Supports up to 1.5A Input Current
- Robust Against False Triggering Due to Current Transients
- Thermal Shutdown
- Enable Input
- Status Indication — Fault Condition
- 5.5V LDO Mode Voltage Regulation
- Available in Space-Saving Small 8 Lead 2mm ×2mm SON
- Mobile Phones and Smart Phones
- PDAs
- MP3 Players
- Low-Power Handheld Devices
- Bluetooth Headsets