The ISL6298 is an integrated single-cell Li-ion or Li-polymerbattery charger optimized for low current applications. Thetargeted applications include mini-disk (MD) players, BlueTooth headsets, or other applications that use low-capacitybattery cells. The ISL6298 is a linear charger that charges the battery in aCC/CV (constant current/constant voltage) profile. Thecharge current is programmable with an external resistor upto 450mA during the CC phase. Once the battery voltagereaches 4.2V (or 4.1V), the charger enters CV mode and thecharge current starts to reduce. When the charger currentdrops to a user-programmable threshold, the chargerindicates the end-of-charge with a STATUS pin. The chargerdoes not actually terminate until a user-programmable totalfast charge time is reached. If the battery voltage drops to arecharge threshold after termination, the charger will rechargethe battery to its full capacity. The chargerpreconditions the battery with 20% of the programmed CCcurrent if the battery voltage is below 2.8V. The totalprecharge time is limited to 1/8 of the total fast charge time. The ISL6298 features charge current thermal foldback toguarantee safe operation when the printed circuit board isspace-limited for thermal dissipation. Additional featuresinclude an NTC thermistor interface for monitoring theambient temperature, the ability to disable the time limit ofthe fast charge, an FAULT indication, and a thermallyenhanced QFN or DFN package.
- Complete Charger for Single-Cell Li-ion Batteries
- Integrated Pass Element and Current Sensor
- No External Blocking Diode Required
- 1% Voltage Accuracy
- Programmable Current Limit up to 450mA
- Programmable End-of-Charge Current
- Preconditioning with 20% Fast Charge Current
- 10% Accuracy at 250mA
- Charge Current Thermal Foldback
- NTC Thermistor Interface for Battery Temperature Monitor
- User Programmable Safety Timer
- Ambient Temperature Range: -20°C to 70°C
- Thermally-Enhanced QFN Packages
- Pb-Free Plus Anneal Available (RoHS Compliant)