The ISL9205 is an integrated single-cell Li-ion or Li-polymercharger capable of operating at an input voltage as low as2.5V. The low operating voltage allows the charger to workwith a variety of AC adapters. The ISL9205 operates as a linear charger when the ACadapter is a voltage source. The battery is charged in astandard Li-ion charge profile, i.e. a constant current phasefollowed be a constant voltage phase (CC/CV). The chargecurrent during the constant current phase is determined bythe external resistor connected to the IREF pin. When theadapter output is a current-limited voltage source and thecurrent limit is smaller than the programmed constantcurrent of the IC, the ISL9205 operates as a pulse chargerwhere the charge current is determined by the current limit ofthe AC adapter during the constant current phase. TheISL9205 operates in a linear mode during the constantvoltage phase in both adapter cases. The ISL9205 incorporates Thermaguard which protects theIC against over temperature. If the die temperature risesabove a typical value of +100°C , the thermal foldbackfunction reduces the charge current to prevent furthertemperature rise. The ISL9205 includes an externaltemperature monitoring function (not available in somepackage options). A negative temperature coefficient (NTC)thermistor is connected between the TEMP pin and GND tomonitor the battery or ambient temperature. The ISL9205also includes a timer to set the time reference for variouscharge time limits. The timer is programmable with anexternal capacitor. Two logic inputs and two open-drain logicoutputs are available for controlling the charger andindicating the charger status. The EN pin enables thecharger, TOEN pin (available in ISL9205) enables thetimeout function so that the charge is terminated when thepreset time limits have been reached. The FAULT pin is anopen-drain output which turns on when a fault condition isencountered. The STATUS pin is also an open-drain outputwhich turns on when the charger is delivering current.
- Complete Charger for Single-Cell Li-ion/Polymer Batteries
- Integrated Pass Element and Current Sensor
- No External Blocking Diode Required
- Low Component Count and Cost
- 25mV Voltage Accuracy Over-Temperature and Input Voltage Range
- 15mV Voltage Accuracy at Room Temperature
- Programmable Charge Current
- Programmable End-of-Charge Current (ISL9205)
- Charge Current Thermal Foldback for Thermal Protection (Thermaguard™)
- Trickle Charge for Fully Discharged Batteries
- Power Presence and Charge Indications
- NTC Interface (not available in some package options)
- Less than 3µA Leakage Current off the Battery when No Input Power Attached or Charger Disabled
- Ambient Temperature Range: -40°C to +85°C
- DFN, QFN Packages
- Pb-Free (RoHS Compliant)