The STLC5048 is a monolithic fully programmable 4-channel codec and filter. It operates with a single +3.3V supply.The analog interface is based on a receive output buffer driving the SLIC RX input and on an amplifier input stage normally driven by the SLIC TX output. Due to the single supply voltage a midsupply reference level is generated internally by the device and all analog signals are referred to this level (AGND). The PCM interface uses one common 8 kHz frame sync. pulse for transmit and receive direction. The bit clock is automatically detected between four standards: 1.563/1.544 MHz, 2.048 MHz, 4.096 MHz, 8192 MHz. Two PCM port are provided: the channels can be connected to port A or/and B.Device programmability is achieved by means of several registers and commands allowing to set the different parameters like TX/RX gains, line impedance, transhybrid balance, equalization (frequency response), encoding law (A/m), time slot assignment, independent channels power up/down, loopbacks, PCM bits offset.The STLC5048 can be programmed via serial interface running up to 8 MHz. One interrupt output pin is also provided. A GUI interface is also available to emulate and program the coefficients for impedance synthesis, echo cancelling and channel filtering.
- Fully programmable monolithic 4-channel codec/filter
- Single +3.3 V supply
- A/m law programmable
- Linear coding (16 bits) option
- PCM highway format automatically detected: 1.536 or 1.544 MHz, 2.048, 4.096, 8192 MHz
- Two PCM ports available
- TX gain programming: 33 dB range; <0.01 dB step
- RX gain programming: 42 dB range; <0.01 dB step
- Programmable SLIC input impedance
- Programmable transhybrid balance filter
- Programmable equalization (frequency response)
- Programmable time slot assignment
- Digital and analog loopbacks
- SLIC control port static (16 I/Os), dynamic (12 I/Os + 4 CS)
- Built-in test mode with tone generation, MCU access to PCM data
- 64 TQFP (10x10mm) package
- Programmable SLIC line current limitation
- Programmable SLIC off-hook detection threshold