The CS42516 codec provides two analog-to-digital and six digital-to-analog delta-sigma converters, as well as an integrated S/PDIF receiver. The CS42516 integrated S/PDIF receiver supports up to eight inputs, clock recovery circuitry and format autodetection. The internal stereo ADC is capable of independent channel gain control for single-ended or differential analog inputs. All six channels of DAC provide digital volume control and differential analog outputs. The general-purpose outputs may be driven high or low, or mapped to a variety of DAC mute controls or ADC overflow indicators. The CS42516 is ideal for audio systems requiring wide dynamic range, negligible distortion and low noise, such as A/V receivers, DVD receivers, digital speaker and automotive audio systems. The CS42516 is available in a 64-pin LQFP package in both Commercial (-10° to 70° C) and Automotive (-40° to 85° C) grades.
- Six 24-bit D/A, two 24-bit A/D Converters
- 110 dB DAC / 114 dB ADC Dynamic Range
- -100 dB THD+N
- System Sampling Rates up to 192 kHz
- S/PDIF Receiver Compatible with EIAJ
- CP1201 and IEC-60958
- Recovered S/PDIF Clock or System Clock
- Selection
- 8:2 S/PDIF Input MUX
- ADC High-Pass Filter for DC Offset Calibration
- Expandable ADC Channels and One-Line
- Mode Support
- Digital Output Volume Control with Soft Ramp
- Digital +/-15 dB Input Gain Adjust for ADC
- Differential Analog Architecture
- Supports Logic Levels between 1.8 V and 5 V