The CS42406 is a low cost, integrated audio CODEC. The CS42406 performs stereo analog-todigital (A/D) conversion and six channels of digitalto-analog (D/A) conversion of up to 24-bit serial values at sample rates up to 200 kHz. The D/A offers a volume control that operates with a 1 dB step size. It incorporates selectable soft ramp and zero crossing transition functions to eliminate clicks and pops. The D/A’s integrated digital mixing functions allow a variety of output configurations ranging from a channel swap to a stereo-to-mono down-mix. Standard 50/15 µs de-emphasis is available for sampling rates of 32, 44.1, and 48 kHz for compatibility with digital audio programs mastered using the 50/15 µs pre-emphasis technique. Integrated level translators allow easy interfacing between the CS42406 and other devices operating over a wide range of logic levels. High-pass filters are available for the right and left channel of the A/D. This allows the A/D to remove unwanted DC offsets. The CS42406’s wide dynamic range, negligible distortion, and low noise make it ideal for applications such as A/V receivers, DVD receivers, and set-top box systems.