The TDF8599C is a dual Bridge-Tied Load (BTL) car audio amplifier comprising an NDMOST-NDMOST output stage based on SOI BCDMOS technology. Low power dissipation enables the TDF8599C high-efficiency, class-D amplifier to be used with a smaller heat sink than those normally used with standard class-AB amplifiers. The TDF8599C can operate in either non-I²C-bus mode or I²C-bus mode. When in I²C-bus mode, DC load detection results and fault conditions can be easily read back from the device. Up to 15 I²C-bus addresses can be selected depending on the value of the external resistors connected to pins ADS and MOD. When pin ADS is short circuited to ground, the TDF8599C operates in non-I²C-bus mode. Switching between Operating mode and Mute mode in non-I²C-bus mode is only possible using pins EN and SEL_MUTE.
- High-efficiency
- Low quiescent current
- Operating voltage from 8 V to 48 V
- Two 8 O/6 O capable BTL channels or one 4 O/3 O capable BTLchannel
- Differential inputs
- Fast-mode I²C-bus
- I²C-bus mode with 15 I²C-bus addresses or non-I²C-bus modeoperation
- Clip detect
- Independent short-circuit protection for each channel
- Advanced short circuit protection for load, GND and supply
- Load dump protection
- Thermal foldback and thermal protection
- DC offset protection
- Selectable AD or BD modulation
- Advanced clocking:
- Switchable oscillator clock source: internal for Master mode or external forSlave mode
- PLL mode to synchronize with external oscillator
- Spread spectrum mode
- Phase staggering
- Frequency hopping
- No ‘pop noise’ caused by DC output offset voltage
- I²C-bus mode:
Load diagnostics
Speaker load, open load and shortedload
Amplifier output to ground and to supply shorts
- Thermal pre-warning diagnostic level setting
- Identification of activated protections or warnings
- Selectable diagnostic information available using pins DIAG and CLIP
- Selectable gain 32 dB/26 dB (32 dB in non-I²C-bus mode)
- Qualified in accordance with AEC-Q100