The MAX4503/MAX4504 are low-voltage, dual-supply, single-pole/single-throw (SPST), CMOS analog switches. The MAX4503 is normally open (NO). The MAX4504 is normally closed (NC). These CMOS switches can operate continuously with dual supplies between ±1.V and ±6V. Each switch can handle rail-to-rail analog signals. The off-leakage current is only 1nA at +25°C or 10nA at +85°C. The digital input is CMOS-logic compatible when using ±5V supplies. A unique logic input architecture allows this even though the parts have no ground pin. For single-supply operation, use the MAX4501/MAX4502, which are pin-for-pin equivalents.
- Available in SOT23-5 Package
- Dual-Supply Operation from ±1V to ±6V
- Guaranteed On-Resistance:
- 250O with ±5V Supplies
- Guaranteed Low Off-Leakage Currents:
- 1nA at +25°C
- 10nA at +85°C
- 2nA at +25°C
- 20nA at +85°C