The PI5A4599A is an improved, direct replacement for the MAX4599 single-pole, double-throw (SPDT) analog switch. Improved specifications include a low maximum ON resistance of 10 ohms and fast switching times (tON = 15ns max., tOFF = 7ns max.) with 5V supply operation. With a 2.5V supply, resistance is a low 40 ohms max. Specifications are given for 2.5V, 3.3V and 5V power supply operation. Operating voltage range is 2.0V to 6.0V. To minimize PC board area use, the PI5A4599A is available in a compact 6-pin SC70 package. Operating temperature range is 40°C to 85°C.
Low On-Resistance: 10 ohms max. RON Matching: 2 ohms max. RON Flatness: 3.5 ohms max. Low 0.5nA Input Leakage at 25 °C 2V to 6V Single-Supply Operation Fast Switching Time 15ns tON 7ns tOFF Break-Before-Make Switching Guaranteed 5pC max Charge Injection 225MHz Channel Bandwidth 76dB Off-Isolation at 1MHz TTL/CMOS Logic Compatible Low Power Consumption: 5µW Improved Direct Replacement for MAX4599 Packages available: 6-pin Small Compact SC70