The DG308A are quad, single-pole-single-throw (SPST) analog switches. The DG308A is normally open (SPST, NO). Both parts feature fast switching speeds and low onresistance over the analog range. Other features include a turn-on time under 120ns, a turn-off time under 90ns, and a channel on-resistance of 60?. CMOS inputs provide reduced input loading and very low leakage currents. Both parts feature a 44V maximum breakdown voltage rating that allows 30V peak-to-peak switch-off blocking capacity. The DG308A/DG309 can be used with split supplies (±5V to ±20V) or a single positive supply (+5V to +30V), while retaining CMOS-logic-compatible inputs.
- 60? rDS(ON)
- Single/Bipolar-Supply Operation
- CMOS Logic Compatible
- Monolithic, Low-Power CMOS Design