H1-201HS is a monolithic, CMOS, quad, single pole-single-throw (SPST), high-speed analog switch featuring fast switching times (tOFF, tON 5 5Ons) and low on resistance (500 max). It is pin compatible with the industry-standard DG201A. "s new high-voltage silicon-gate technology increases the um supply-voltage rating to 44V. This improvement allows continuous operation with ±20V supplies, which is not permitted with the original manufacturer"s devices. "s HI-201 HS operates from dual supplies ranging from ±5V to ±20V, or from single supplies from +12V to +20V. Logic levels are TTL-/CMOS-compatible with single or dual supplies within these ranges. "s HI-201HS is guaranteed not to latch up if power supplies are disconnected while the analog-switch inputs are present, provided the switch continuous-current ratings are not exceeded. When powered up, the H1-201HS will switch analog signals up to the power-supply rails.
- Guaranteed Single-Supply Operation: +12V to +20V
- Guaranteed Dual Supplies: ±5V to ±20V
- Fast Switching Times:
- ton= 30ns
- toFF = 40ns
- Low, 50O Max On Resistance
- TTL-ICMOS-Compatible
- 44V Max Supply Rating